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11-a-side Football Tournament 2023

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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Inshallah, on Thursday 12th October our school is holding its annual 11-a-side football tournament. The event will be held at Springhill Recreation Ground from 8:15 am until 2:30pm.

Your son must arrive at the Ground at 8:15am and will leave from the park at 2:30pm.

If you are responsible for picking up pupils, you must pick them up from the Ground at 2:30pm and NOT from the school at 2:55pm.

Our students know where the Ground is from their school PE lessons. However, should you require further assistance, we have printed the post code of the park, as well as a map on the reverse side of this letter.

Please note, attendance at this event is compulsory. Failure to attend without a valid reason will lead to penalty charge as per School policy.


Your son can come attend in his PE kit or any similar sports clothing, but please ensure he is dressed modestly; we do NOT allow the wearing of shorts above the knee, or any clothing with inappropriate words or images. Please also ensure your son brings waterproof clothing in case it rains. In the event of very severe weather or any other unforeseen circumstances, the tournament shall be postponed until a future date inshallah.


You should provide your son with a pack-lunch which must of course be in line with the school’s healthy eating policy.


The carrying of mobile phones, hand-held games consoles or other similar equipment is strictly NOT allowed at the tournament unless there is a prior agreement with the school. If any pupil is found with any such item, it will be immediately confiscated and dealt with as per school policy. Furthermore, the school will NOT be held responsible if such items become lost or stolen, even AFTER their confiscation. I would also like to remind parents and pupils that the time of Asr salaah sets in quite early at this time of year, so all those who may not reach home in time to prayer their Zohr prayer are urged to carry with them a prayer mat and a bottle of water for wudhu. If you have any further inquiries, please contact me at the school.

Jazakallah khair

Mr. OM Bilal Snell (Tournament coordinator)