Parents are required to complete an application form for the child and this must be accompanied together with a copy of a valid Birth Certificate and all other information requested by the School. New Children will be admitted from the first Monday of each month. All new admissions will be enrolled on a probationary period of one School Term, which may be extended if required. Upon satisfactory performance of the child, permanent enrolment will be granted at the Managements discretion. A child may be put onto a probationary period at any time during the academic year in the event of unsatisfactory attitude, behaviour, attendance, punctuality, organisation, presentation and lack of cooperation. The child will be monitored and will need to make significant improvement to continue. In the event of unsatisfactory progress made the school has the right to take the child of roll or refuse admission in the following academic year
It is vital that parents ensure that their applications are submitted by the deadline set by the school’s management.
In the event that the School is over-subscribed, places will be offered in the following order of priority.
If the school is oversubscribed from within any of the above categories, the distance criterion will be used to prioritise applications.