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Assalaamu-alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

The very first * verse that was revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Almighty Allah outlines firstly the attribute of the One Who creates and secondly the creation, who is totally dependant on Allah. The verse also emphasises that it is a duty on all Muslims to educate themselves so that they may gain knowledge. The first word revealed was: READ! Reading is one of the best ways to gain knowledge.

“Knowledge raises a human being to a higher position than other creatures of creation. Because of knowledge, we can gain wisdom, and that is one of the greatest gifts a person can have. Wisdom gives you the ability to know right from wrong; it is like a light, which allows you to see in the darkness. When people are lost in ignorance and going astray, the person with knowledge becomes a beacon of light; he shines out amongst the rest and shows them the way to safety”
(acknowledgements to Br. Yusuf Islam).

Muslims have with great enthusiasm excelled in the acquisition of knowledge. Centres of Knowledge can be traced back in our Islamic history to the very first one established in the time of our Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alayhi Wassallam, which continues to grow and flourish creating such great personalities who became beacons of light and guidance for the Ummah. Tawhid Boys School has been established by the Grace of Almighty Allah, with this intention. That it will provide an Academic and Islamic education within an environment that will nurture the talents and potential of our children, equipping them with the necessary skills and moral qualities, and thus preparing them to face and challenge tomorrow’s world, Insha-Allah

The fruits of our endeavours will only be realised when our lives are moulded and our actions are in accordance to the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad SAW. To achieve this is our collective responsibility and for this we  the school, request you the parents to help us to help our children.

May Allah assist us and except our endeavours. Ameen.


Br. Abdul Ghani Ibn Ismail
Amir – Tawhid Educational Trust